CPE Opportunities

Sun Microsystems's Identity Auditor Solution Launch

IBM Canada
4601 Canada Way, Burnaby
June 6, 2006

(ISC)² Institute and IBM are pleased to present the First annual SecureVancouver 2006, an (ISC)² Security Leadership Seminar.

Mitigate Today's Security Risks. Anticipate Tomorrow's.

Legislation, new threats and interconnected networks continue to make the security professional's task more difficult and daunting. The (ISC)² Security Leadership Seminar Series assists information security professionals in preparing for the threats and issues they face today, as well as those that will come tomorrow.

Bottom line: if you are involved in your organization's IT security, you don't want to miss this outstanding seminar!

(ISC)² Members earn eight (8) CPEs that will be automatically credited.

Maximize your CPE earning potential through (ISC)² Online Education!

Earn as much as 32 additional CPEs from the Cryptography and Access Controls Online CPE Courses. For as little as $250 per course you can learn and earn CPEs without leaving home!
